Friday, November 20, 2009

Thanksgiving Invitation

Thanksgiving Invitation

Some people bring out the wacky in me. It's always lurking right below the surface, so it isn't very hard to raise.

One of those people is my friend Amy. She and I sit together at choir practice. Usually we keep things under control. But last night, she and our friend Emily and I got a little loopy. Sorry, Pastor Todd. But that one song, with the monotonous alto line, we just had to laugh a little.

Amy is coming over for Thanksgiving, and this morning I wrote her an e-mail with some details about the day. I thought you might enjoy this glimpse into our Thanksgiving celebration.

Dear Amy,

I'm so glad you're coming for Thanksgiving. We pinned down some plans. We'll have "dinner" at 1:00. (My mother always said "Sunday dinner" so to me certain noontime meals are "dinner." But my kids always say, "You mean lunch?" So, yes, I mean lunch.)

Please come as early in the day as you can. Okay, maybe after 9:00 so Kate will be dressed. She'd wear her jammies all day if she could. We'll have parades on the TV, games going in the living room, maybe a puzzle, cooking in the kitchen. a veggie tray for snacking, Chex Mix . . .

Then stay as long as you can. We'll have more of the same, but parades will give way to football. If you need to take off, feel free, but we'd love to have you all day! Besides, we're going to have so much food we'll need you to stay and have some leftovers during a football game.

Wear comfie clothes. Unlike my mother, I do not dress up for Thanksgiving dinner. Unless you consider a hat adorned with a turkey head and feathers dressing up.

Also, I like Thanksgiving Day to be about more than parades, football, and food. So if you have a favorite poem, story, Scripture, or song you'd like to share, please bring it. As in, "bring it along," although if you want to "bring it, sister" go right ahead. If you just want to sit back and listen to Doug read President Lincoln's Thanksgiving Proclamation, that's fine, too.

If you hear of someone who needs a place for Thanksgiving, bring 'em along. (Is your roommate set up? And I don't man to imply she's gelatinous or something.)

That invitation is open to you, too. Just give me a call and I'll set an extra plate at the table. If you can't join us for dinner, then join us in taking some time next Thursday for something other than food and football. Take a minute to look at the person across the table from you and tell her you're thankful she's in your life. Read Psalm 150 before you dive into the cranberry sauce and "praise him for his surpassing greatness." Thank God for his everyday grace that allowed you to survive another year.

It might sound a little wacky, but give it a try.